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- itrenzheng上所有的CIPS认证
- 以下是由CIPS认证的资深认证讲师整理的 CIPS 认证学习资料,如有其他 CIPS认证需要,请联系我们。
- CIPS Certifications
- CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations
- CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply
- CIPS Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply
- 最新的CIPS认证考试
- L4M7 - Whole-life Assets Management
- L4M2 - Defining Business Needs
- L4M6 - Supplier Relationships
- L4M5 - Commercial Negotiation
- L3M1 - Procurement and Supply Environments
- L3M4 - Team Dynamics and Change
- L3M3 - Contract Administration
- L4M4 - Ethical and Responsible Sourcing
- L3M2 - Ethical Procurement and Supply
- L3M5 - Socially Responsible Procurement
- L4M1 - Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply
- L5M5 - Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply
- L5M3 - Managing Contractual Risk
- L5M2 - Managing Supply Chain Risk
- L4M3 - Commercial Contracting
- L4M8 - Procurement and Supply in Practice
- A6 - Analysing the Supply Market
- A7 - An Introduction to Purchasing Strategy
- A8 - Preparing and Managing Contracts
- A9 - International Logistics
- 专业认证
- itrenzheng模拟测试题具有最高的专业技术含量,只供具有相关专业知识的专家和学者学习和研究之用。
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